![]() Avoiding Psychic Burnout is something that’s extremely important in the metaphysical field, and a topic that other readers or those of empathic nature might find value in. It is TEST YOUR TAROT THURSDAY in my Tarot 101 Group Courtesy of my teacher and mentor Kristen Burkhardt-Hanson of Heart to Heart Institute, and in our last thread, one of our members brought up the feeling of feeling phantom pains and a feeling of overwhelm around certain people in the workplace. I have often felt these phantom pains, and have even gotten tested at the doctor again and again only to realize there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. So then WHAT GIVES, you ask? Yea.. Trust me, I’ve asked myself this time and time again, and it wasn’t until only last year that I have begun to make the spiritual connection. If you have never heard of the term EMPATH… I have written a bit of an extensive blog (Read More Here), an account of my own personal experiences as an Empath and the effect that it has had on me at certain points in my life. It can really take over your life if you don’t find some way to control it. Today, along with those involved in the discussion, I have also kind have been a sort of magnet for “OPP” (yea you know me… any Naughty By Nature fans in the house? Yea 90s!)… but anyway… I call this O.P.P. – OTHER PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS. Why do we feel the obligation to have to be able to FIX everything wrong with everyone? I often have friends private message me over pressing matters that they need to vent out, and sometimes even ask for a quick reading. It’s hard to tend to the things this extensive when I have my own things on my To-Do List for today, but you want to stop and help your friend, and feel like a jerk if you don’t, right? I thought this card was so perfect for today – This card is “Sacrifice” from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr. This card can also be interpreted as “The Hanged Man” in the traditional Tarot Sense. Sacrifice is represented in this card by Kuan Yin, one of the most beloved Goddesses of China. She represents the Holy Mother of COMPASSION. Pulling this card suggests that we may be experiencing this heightened sensitivity toward empathy, and sacrificing ourselves for the greater good. But this card can also serve as a warning, that if we are not careful with how much we are spreading ourselves too thin, dropping everything we’re doing to try to fix someone else’s problem that you really have no answer for after an hour of mediating … we’re also doing ourselves an incredible disservice. If you are offering free readings as a *special* limited time only service, and you have a set allotted amount of readings you are voluntarily doing per day, you can regulate the energy you are using to avoid exertion. That makes things a little different than say a friend who you rarely talk to, who conveniently pops up out of nowhere, only when they’re itching to find out things about new job they just got, or a new person they started dating, or a falling out they’ve had with so and so. Sometimes you just don’t have the answers for something or you relay info from the cards to them, that they don’t necessarily want to hear. Not that it’s bad news, it’s just HONEST news, and some just don’t like hearing when something just might not be “in the cards”, so to speak. Sometimes we put ourselves down about the things we have no control over, and that sets our Empathic nature into a downward spiral of pain and maybe even semi-depressing emotions. This is the disservice I am talking about. We are subconsciously taking on the burdens and obligations of issues that are not our own. These things can have an affect on our own mind, body, and spirit. It is great to help our friends, but only if we have boundaries in place to help us avoid burnout or a miscommunication that might end up doing more damage in the long run. As tarot readers, we become magnets for other people’s problems, but just because we were blessed with the gift of listening and insight, doesn’t mean we should feel OBLIGATED to give it at the drop of a dime, or for free, or because it’s expected, because that’s how friendships work right? Eh.. there’s a fine line between being a good friend and becoming an emotional (and even in some cases, financial) doormat. I think this beautiful card today was much needed, and a reminder to keep our boundaries in check… because we are no use to ourselves or the ones we love around us, if we’re a sopping wet sponge of other people’s negative bs. Once we can release those obligations that are not our own, back into the universe, we can free ourselves from the pain or sense of overwhelm we feel when we feel like we HAVE to fix things. We don’t. We’re not superman or woman. We’re still only human. What are your thoughts on this card? Can you relate to it today? If not, try pulling your own card! What is it telling you? Please share in the comments below!
![]() HAPPY ALMOST HALLOWEEN SPOOKY ONES! Sadly my favorite month of the year is coming to a close, we have a little less than a week left til Halloween, Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, etc. and October for me personally, in my Tarot 101 course, was supposed to be my month of PRACTICE: practicing my readings and building my cliental. Come November, my goal is to spread my wings and take flight into the magickal world of holistic professionals, and really establish my own business as a tarot reader, healer, and personal development guide. Today I pulled a card and asked “What could I do to really enhance my business as a Holistic Professional come November?” I have received The Emperor card, which to me suggests that I have to develop my MALE brain a bit more. The Emperor represents a very male energy based in structure and discipline. Most business minded individuals have a very strong male energy which keeps them motivated and on track, disciplined when working toward their goals. The emperor in the Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee is represented by Frankenstein… who is the result of EXPERIMENTATION. This also tells me… DO NOT BE AFRAID TO EXPERIMENT! Trial and Error is probably the BEST way to learn something. We are human, we make mistakes, but when we make mistakes, it is also teaches us very valuable things in the process! Experimentation breeds GROWTH and expansion of the mind … which is what I am gathering from those flowers growing out of that test tube filled with brains. This card is marked with the sign of the planet Jupiter which suggests evolutionary development (maturity, and knowledge gained through a time of growth). Feel Free to pull your own card to represent how you can approach your business for November… What card did you get? What messages did it relay to you? Please share in the comments! I pulled five of cups in today’s Tarot of the Day reading from Paulina Cassidy’s Joie de Vivre tarot deck.
Keywords are hope solitude disillusionment disappointment and loss. “Mourning for three dying cupflowers, Wistful forgets momentarily about the two vibrant cup flowers in front of him. Glowing golden hearts spiral upward waiting for him to open his eyes to a new frame of mind. when a situation seems bleak there’s always hope that something can be rescued from what is left and builds upon to make it greater then what was. As new prospects arise have faith that your needs can be met. Unrealistic expectations results in disappointment. Accept the past and move onward with new energy as you begin to reconnect with the magical side of life.” My Interpretation: Again I think this is telling me to focus on the things that I already do have in my life and not worry so much about the things that I am having more trouble obtaining. It’s also letting me know that it is ok to have faith but there has to be that balance between having faith and unrealistically expecting something to happen. Hello Fellow Tarot Lovers! I wanted to share this photo I had the pleasure of collaborating on with Avinash Patel of Avinash Patel Photography. He is currently doing an October Photo Challenge, and one of the day’s themes were “Darkness”. I helped him conceptualize this photo, spotlighting the darker cards of the Tarot that really illuminate or bring our shadow self to surface. The cards I chose were: The devil to represent our own personal vices and a sense of feeling tied to them, the moon which represents the fears and anxieties we may have that are buried deep within our own subconscious, preventing us or hindering our own personal growth, and also the Tower which to me represents a dreaded, but necessary loss… and the shattering of perceptions or illusions that you have created for yourself that keep you stuck in the clouded state of mind. It is our shadow, these darker parts of ourselves that keep us from reaching our fullest potential, or that light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak… These blockages keep us living in fear, living in the darkness… it is only when we acknowledge these fears, that we can begin to bring them to surface, remove them, and move closer to the light… #treetalkerart Tree Talker Art #octoberartchallenge #tarotdemarseilles Yesterday was packed with a lot of signs but today is gloomy and I’m having some trouble believing that things will see themselves through. Also fearing that I’ll remain in this rut forever. I need that change. I decided to light my wish candle and pick one card at random just to see what this feeling of unexplainable doubt I’m feeling today is all about. I got the three of swords from the Paulina Cassidy Joie de Vivre Tarot deck.
Keywords are REPAIR, CONFLICT, DISAPPOINTMENT, CLARITY, FOCUS. The interpretation reads “Embracing a heart punctured by three swords, it’s time for gloomy chagrin to rest so that he can restore his energy. chagrin finds comfort in focusing on the beauty of the candlelight. Through sorrow’s shadow comes release and the only way out is through. Better actions that replace old ones could not occur without the transformation pain brings. Moving toward the light at the end of the tunnel you begin the process of healing.” I am personally interpreting this as I need to just take this gloomy day today to focus on the candlelight and the beauty that’s already in my life, and just gave gratitude. I also need to refocus my energy….hopefully soon, maybe even after tomorrow, things will just fall into place…not just for me but for everyone important in my life who remains frustrated and stuck. We all effect each other. The message here is, when you feel in lack, it is time to practice GRATITUDE! |
AuthorThis page is just a glimpse of my venture into the realm of the metaphysical. You can see more of that on my witchy blog here! Archives
January 2018